Welcome to

Black Esquire University!

The #1 Community for Lawyers of Color!

What is Black Esquire University?

Black Esquire University is a virtual school and growing community of future and current lawyers. Members are committed to achieving success in the legal profession by expanding their knowledge and network to maximize their impact.

Pre-Law Student

Are you considering a career in law? Our coaching services for pre-law students are here to guide you through the law school application process. We offer personalized support and advice to help you navigate the competitive application landscape and secure admission to the right law school for you. Let us empower you to take confident steps towards your legal career.

Law School Student

Congratulations on getting accepted into law school! Our coaching services for law school students provide comprehensive support tailored to your needs. We offer valuable career advice, study techniques, and strategies to help you excel academically and position yourself for your dream job upon graduation. Let us guide you through the challenges of law school and set you up for a successful legal career.


Are you an attorney seeking a purpose-driven career? Our coaching services for attorneys are designed to help you find meaning and satisfaction in your legal profession. We provide guidance and support to navigate career transitions, explore new opportunities, and create a fulfilling path aligned with your goals and values. Discover how to infuse your legal practice with purpose for a lasting impact.

Pre-Law Student Courses

Answering the Attorney Call

How to VALUE You

Prepared for Practice

Faith First: The Anointed Attorney Journey

Law School Student Courses

Tips for Success in Law School

Final Exam/Outlining Workshop

How to VALUE You

Prepared for Practice

Faith First: The Anointed Attorney Journey

Attorney Courses

You’re Not Just a Lawyer!

Lawyer Branding 101

How to VALUE You

Prepared for Practice

Faith First: The Anointed Attorney Journey

Featured Courses